“Well…hell. I could probably just MAKE one of those…”



Reasons to DIY

Everyone has their own reasons to make DIY Home Gym Equipment. Reasons can include:

  1. Cost savings

  2. Need for custom equipment due to home gym space constraints

  3. It does not currently exist. Either it’s completely new or it is a new take on an existing product.

  4. Fun.

Whatever your reasons are, I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone - and try a new DIY project. You may surprise yourself and develop a new hobby.

Warning: the satisfaction of building your own equipment or implementing a cool gym hack can be very addictive!

Get inspired. Inspire others. Repeat.

When you do finish a project or execute an awesome gym hack - DO NOT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.

Share it. Help inspire others.

If you were inspired by someone else to complete a DIY project - do not let the cycle end with you. Keep the cycle going. Pass it on!

Warning: Inspiring others can also be very addictive.

Ways to Get Inspired and Inspire Others

YOUTUBE: Check out my YouTube Channel, or any one of my DIY colleagues’ YouTube videos. Make your own YouTube video, showcasing your work - showing how you took the idea, ran with it, and made something even better. It may be better because you made it cheaper, stronger, faster, etc.

INSTAGRAM: Respond to Home Gym posts with suggestions/questions/etc. Let’s have a conversation. Please tag @DesignBuildLift or use the hashtag #DesignBuildLift

FACEBOOK: Join the @DesignBuildLift FB group. Keep the ideas and conversations going. Comments/questions/photos/videos….Please tag @DesignBuildLift or use the hashtag #DesignBuildLift

TWITTER: Comments/questions/photos/videos….Please tag @DesignBuildLift or use the hashtag #DesignBuildLift

REDDIT: Join a Home Gym subreddit - Look out for me u/DesignBuildLift

Join us.

Please provide your contact information so that we can keep you informed of all the exciting news to come!